Hello everyone! The Work From Home Be Awesome Webinar is back with John Pagulayan as our first guest for this year. Talk about starting the new year with a blast! 😀
In episode 13 of the Work From Home Be Awesome webinar series, Tasha talks about what she learned from the 3 on 3 event she attended last January 21, 2017.
The speakers for the event are seasoned freelancers: John Pagulayan, Carl Dexter Arceo and Marvin De Leon.
We have interviewed John Pagulayan in our previous webinar which you can find here.
To give a background on the three speakers:
Share this article so we can help more Filipinos be able to work from home either as highly paid virtual assistants or whatever job they may want to have. Then watch the webinar replay below. Thank you!​ 🙂
BONUS! Here are some of the books that Carl Dexter mentioned on the 3 on 3 event that would be very beneficial for aspiring copywriters like me. 😀
Note: All of these images link to Amazon.com ebooks.​
What do you think of this webinar? Comment below!