Do you want to start working from home too?
In the 10th episode of the Work From Home Be Awesome Webinar, Janet Selose from Iloilo tells us about her work from home journey and how she got her first clients online.
She also shares a lot of useful and helpful tips on how you can get your first clients too.​
​We have also announced the opening of the Work From Home Be Awesome Mentorship Program in the webinar. Check it out here:
This is a 9-month mentorship program where we will guide you step by step on how you can start your work from home career. The cart is open only until December 13, 2016. Make sure to enroll now because the re-opening of the course will be next year.​
What can you say about the webinar? Do you have topics about working from home that you want us to feature in the webinar? Comment below! 🙂