Easily Install Thrive Themes Using C Panel

By Natasha Rivera | Thrive Themes

Apr 21

I decided to make this tutorial so I could help people who are having a hard time in installing themes or plug ins that they bought from outside of WordPress. This post will help you to easily install thrive themes using c panel on your website's hosting.

When I first used Thrive Themes, it had been a nightmare installing it. I got some kind of error in WordPress asking me: "Are you sure you want to do this?" Of course I want to install my theme. I paid for it. 

Then I contacted my hosting company. They told me that I needed to edit something on my php file so I could increase my upload limit. That was too much of a hassle for me because I am still learning WordPress then and I am not that confident in changing those types of files.​

Good thing that I am taking a course in WordPress and I stumbled upon uploading themes and plug ins using the CPanel.

I know you can use Filezilla for this but it takes a long time to upload files using Filezilla and I don't know why.​ I needed to leave my laptop on overnight in order for a theme to be uploaded and then sometimes the upload would time out because I missed to click OK on a prompt. Then you would need to start uploading again from scratch.

Why in the first place should you use Thrive Themes?

  • It saves you a lot time because it allows you to focus on just creating your content and not have to bother with the HTML and CSS part of you website.
  • It is very easy to use. It provides you a What You See Is What You Get, drag and drop interface that is very straightforward. You already see what your post or page would look like while working on it.
  • You get a lot of other features if you get the whole subscription from Thrive Themes like the Thrive Leads and the Thrive Headline Tester which I am currently loving.
Easily Install Thrive Themes Using C Panel

Here is a sneak peek on what it looks like when you use the Thrive Content Builder.

Here now is my video tutorial on how to upload your Thrive Themes and Plugins using your hosting's C Panel.

I also have written instructions below if you prefer to read. 🙂

Here are the written instructions:

  1. Download your Thrive Themes and Plugins from the Thrive Themes member dashboard.
  2. Log in to your web hosting's c panel.
  3. ​Go to your file manager.
  4. Go to the folder where your WordPress website is installed which is usually the public_html folder.
  5. Open your wp-content folder.
  6. Upload your zipped Thrive Themes in the "themes" folder and then unzip it.
  7. For your zipped Thrive plugins, upload it inside the plugins folder and unzip it there too.

And then it's done! Very easy right?

Click here to visit the Thrive Themes website and find out more about it.

What do you think of this tutorial? Let me know by leaving a comment for me below. 🙂